Once upon a time (yep, we are once upon a time-ing), a young girl named Elly struggled with acne and other skin issues.
So, she tried countless skincare products, but nothing seemed to work. One day, she decided she was done with her skin struggles and decided to take the matter into her own hands.
From studying chemistry at university, to obsessing with all skincare, to researching how to create high-quality and effective products (she still is today) to attending business school, she did it. She found the solution.
After all these years of hard work, she developed the powder face cleanser that young Elly needed (wait did she just heal her inner child by creating a product FOR her inner child?). Not only did this one clear her own skin, but it also provided amazing results for others.
Like a true skin alchemist, she created the perfect face cleanser. And now, here we are, with Yui, aiming to develop high-quality and clean skincare products to help you have beautiful and healthy skin.